What telephone number formats are accepted by the importer?

Posted on 2023-04-18 Updated on 2023-08-25

It is optional to include the recipient's phone number when importing shipments, however, if you choose to do so, it must be correctly formatted. The phone numbers must be between 8 and 30 characters long and contain only the accepted characters: 0123456789x#()+-.* It is important to note that beginning July 1, 2021, phone numbers are required for shipments destined to the European Union (EU).

Inaccurate information may lead to additional customs delays, fees, and the possibility of non-delivery (i.e. the shipment may be returned to sender or destroyed). For shipments destined to Canada or the U.S., the phone number must be 10 digits long. If you would like to include an extension, please use an 'x', for example, 123-456-7890 x 123.

This may require you to reformat your imported shipments.

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